Welcome to Tumbled: the internet’s only Parkinson’s rom-com.

After 25 years away Emma returns to her home town.

A place she swore she’d never set foot in again…except it happens to be where the love of her life lives.

Now she must navigate moving two small children the length of the country, find a place to live, reconnect with old friends, make new ones, adapt to the awful weather, find a way to feed herself and discover whether she and her love are meant to be.

Oh, Emma also discovers she has Parkinson’s.

The Book

The book is in its second draft (06/2023) and heading for another gazillionty re-writes but soon, very soon, dearest readers it will be ready for your delectation. Subscribe to keep updated.

Who is Emma?

Writer, artist, idler, wine drinker and owner of a disease called Parkinson’s. Mother of two daughters, carer of a neurotic border (rescue) collie and partner to a very patient man.

You can find all my writing, art and musings here: emmastubbs.uk

Subscribe to Tumbled

The internet's only Parkinson's rom-com. Serialised memoir.


Writer, artist, idler, wine drinker and owner of a disease called Parkinson’s.